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Analytical Image Profile


“The only true security in life comes from knowing that every single day you are improving yourself in some way.”

Anthony Robbins



Language of Dress & Color


An analytical conservative image, not flamboyant wants to blend in with the crowd and not stand out too much.  A professional look with basic suits...

Analytical Image Profile


“The only true security in life comes from knowing that every single day you are improving yourself in some way.”

Anthony Robbins



Language of Dress & Color


An analytical conservative image, not flamboyant wants to blend in with the crowd and not stand out too much.  A professional look with basic suits for business such as navy, white, gray, etc.  Most analytical wear casual earth tones & pastels to create a subtle soft look.  Women wear very little makeup, small earrings and accessories

Analyticals are very conservative on spending money on clothes.  Their wardrobe, shopping & style are not a top priority.  In order for an analytical to attract the opposite sex, they need to dress a little more glamorous and with brighter colors in makeup and wardrobe.

Romance, Dating, and Marriage


Your word is your honor!  You are very loyal, trustworthy, and hardworking in a personal relationship.  Your perseverance wins the respect of your loved one.  You are very sensitive to one's needs, service-oriented and secure in a relationship.  Love notes, cards, and small gifts are one way to show your love.  To improve your personal relationships, be less of a perfectionist.  Don’t sweat the small stuff, it's only small stuff.  Learn to be less critical of yourself and your companion.  Don’t be too sensitive to criticism.  Discover the art of becoming more of a verbal communicator. In your intimate moments, express your feelings instead of holding them in or giving "the silent treatment". Analyticals seldom divorce because of their high standards, but they need to learn to be more communicative and enthusiastic with their companion.  They need to challenge themselves in a personal relationship, to not stay in their comfort zone, and become more “gutsy”.  Be less hard to please & more passionate. Compliment your companion in intimate moments and be more verbal and less critical.  

They need to learn to have more fun, play, and laugh in intimate moments and in dating.  Surround yourself with positive-high energy people to help you get out of your box!  The Sky’s the limit for you!  Don’t take yourself too seriously.  Analyticals are family-oriented and are great listeners.  Don’t be a computer potato and neglect your relationships.



You are a great listener and very dedicated to your offspring.  Good parenting is a top priority!  Don’t be too critical and create a high-energy, positive environment for your children.

A lot of analyticals spend too much time on technical projects and hibernate.  Your family relationships will improve with more physical activities and fun!  Don’t be a bookworm, couch, or computer potato.  Your love dedication and sincerity will make a great influence on your children.  Your honesty will be one of your children’s most admirable traits.  You will provide a secure, stable life for your family.



The power of winning is yours today!

1.  Become more passionate and compliments those you love with 

enthusiasm for their strengths.

2.  Forget you’re always right!

3.  Forget the baggage! 

  1.   25 December 2021
  2.   MBTI

Activity Image Profile


“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined!”

Henry David Thoreau

“Desire, ask, believe, receive!”

Stella Terrill Mann


Language of dress and color

You never get a second chance to make a first impression and you live by that!  You love high fashion and your dress with a real...

Activity Image Profile


“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined!”

Henry David Thoreau

“Desire, ask, believe, receive!”

Stella Terrill Mann


Language of dress and color

You never get a second chance to make a first impression and you live by that!  You love high fashion and your dress with a real creative flair.  You love black as a mainstay in your wardrobe.  You dress with confidence and you project power with your image.  You love to shop till you drop and your wardrobe is a top priority.  The power colors black, white, red burgundy, navy are used most in your wardrobe.  For business, you like to project a look of winning, authority, and power.  Professional suits are an investment you feel will help you get there with a glitzy flare.  Your casual wardrobe is more glamorous, glitzy, and unique.  You want to be flamboyant and stand out in a crowd because you’ve got the confidence to show it off.  You’re usually a leader in the fashion world, and your lifestyle calls for that.  If you live in a real casual environment you go more natural, but you still love the power colors.  When you go out (if a woman) you love to make up and dress up to move up.  Winners of beauty pageants, actresses, and performers score this profile along with CEOs and entrepreneurs.  They use the language of dress and color to attract the attention they need to be the “Star” in their business or to gain the leadership position they desire.

An activity person dresses very professionally with power and authority, but not as flamboyant as the woman unless he’s an entertainer or in the fashion world.

The King or Queen of Romance 

Romance, Dating, and Marriage


The Activity Profile is truly the most active profile in romance, dating, and marriage.  You are the profile that can handle lots of activities with a variety of relationships.  An activity doesn’t have the challenge of finding relationships; you have the challenge of deciding which one is the most exciting, loveable, and active.  You thrive in a relationship with lots of romance, such as long verbal conversations and romantic candlelight dinners with romantic music.  You are an enthusiastic person who loves life.  You love giving of yourself in a relationship because you are a people lover.  Relationships with you are the most important thing in your life.  One of the great challenges in your life is making sure you enjoy life with a variety of activities.  You dread boredom in a relationship.  You are a very flexible, happy; a loving person who loves to give lots of attention and have it reciprocated.  You love giving gifts, cards, and you are flamboyant when it comes to romance and dating.  You love romantic getaways and lots of passion and affection.  You are sensitive to the feelings of your loved one and you want to please your partner.  Sometimes you wear your heart on your sleeve and you can be too temperamental and emotional if you don’t get the love and attention you need.  Because you give so much of yourself emotionally you find yourself deeply in love multiple times in life.  You love to be appreciated and recognized for your efforts in a relationship. If you don’t get the love, appreciation, and recognition you need, you will view your partner as cold-hearted and aloof.  You need to feel like you’re growing spiritually, physically, and mentally in a relationship.  You see yourself as a leader in life so it’s important that you grow economically and socially in your community.  You are a people lover so you need a partner who is socially poised and people skilled.  You avoid negativity in a relationship and you are a verbal communicator that likes to solve relationship problems by “talking it out”. You are the profile that is the most gifted in communication.  Successful relationships are built on effective communication.  You get frustrated in a relationship with the “Silent treatment” or when your partner walks out or says’s “I don’t want to talk about that now”. You are image-conscious with your physical appearance and you look for an attractive partner. That is physically active in the bedroom as well as with outdoor activities.

In a relationship you find these things as challenges:

  1. You aren’t getting enough love in the bedroom or in the relationship
  2. You can’t communicate with your partner
  3. Your partner is too negative and sweats the small stuff
  4. Too rigid and not flexible enough 
  5. Passion and affection aren’t enough
  6. Your partner isn’t active or socially poised
  7. Your partner isn’t putting the relationship first
  8. Your partner isn’t enthusiastic enough 

You can improve your romantic relationship if you will be:

  1. Move patient – improve listening skills
  2. Be more organized and pay more attention to detail like “being on time” 
  3. Make a commitment and develop more loyalty
  4. Make sure you don’t take advantage of your partner in a relationship with the burden of too many domestic responsibilities and chores

A loving relationship in life is your top priority!  Without passion and love in your life you are like a beautiful flower that will wilt.  You love being in love and your bedroom intimate moments are a top priority.  If a survey was done you would win the romance and foreplay contest.  You are a patient lover but you want a partner who is very positive, flexible, affectionate, exciting, intelligent, hardworking, and adventurous. You can get bored easily in a romantic relationship and that’s why loyalty isn’t always your greatest attribute.


Your kids love you and respect you because you are successful. You deeply love your kids with great enthusiasm!  Because you are so active in life with a career etc, your frustration comes through not being able to spend enough time with the family or children.  You find yourself juggling carrier and family because you are so busy.  This is your greatest challenge.  Everyone loves you and you make everyone happier and more excited about life.  You find the balancing act difficult at times.  Money and time efficiency is your challenge in life.  You love to spend money and spend time with your children, but you have to learn to be more organized and on time for family events.  Don’t be flaky or appear unreliable by always being late!

You are a great partner and are very gifted at making your children feel loved appreciated and recognized in life which builds high self-esteem and emotional, IQ in life.

Tips to be a more effective parent:

  1. Be on time and reliable
  2. Take more time
  3. Be more patient
  4. Slow down long enough to know your children’s deep emotional feelings
  5. Improve your listening skills
  6. Follow through better

Teach your children to do their part with domestic chores and follow up more on their homework and talents.      

  1.   25 December 2021
  2.   MBTI

Accomplishment Image Profile


“The past is dead.  The future is imaginary.  

Happiness can only be in the eternal now moment.” 

Ken Keyes, J.R.

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression!”


The Language of Dress and Color


You are a true professional in every way with your image of power and success.  You have that...

Accomplishment Image Profile


“The past is dead.  The future is imaginary.  

Happiness can only be in the eternal now moment.” 

Ken Keyes, J.R.

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression!”


The Language of Dress and Color


You are a true professional in every way with your image of power and success.  You have that highly competitive nature so your power colors will be used most frequently, navy, white, black, burgundy, and camel.

    You enjoy a simple classical look with a Dress for Success style.  Suits and skirted suits will project this for you.  When you take your jacket off, this will weaken your image.  When you want to project more friendliness, add a brighter color-clothing item such as a scarf, accessories, ties, etc.  Adding the color red more often to your wardrobe will increase your enthusiasm in life and will attract the opposite sex.  Your friendliest colors are blue, yellow, and red.

    For casual wear, you like a wardrobe for comfort, style, and quality.  Rich fabrics, name brands, and exquisite accessories project the look of prosperity you desire.

    You are an entrepreneur, sharp executive, and efficient office manager, so you need the power and authority to accomplish your money projects.  The Language of Dress and Color can help you accomplish this.

“You dress for the job you want, not the job you have.”

Romance, Dating, and Marriage

You think you have everything figured out.  Sometimes your strengths can lead to your weaknesses.  You want to fall in love for sexual fulfillment and for that companionship but it’s got to be on your schedule.  Don’t structure your personal relationships to fit into your manufactured romance.  Learn true love from the heart and soul.  You have your checklist for the relationship of your dreams but you have to follow your heart more and let go.  You do like to bring flowers for a date but the heart and soul can be afraid of letting go of true emotions.  You need to learn to take time out of your busy schedule to find true love or maintain it.  You find yourself wanting to maintain control even in intimate moments.  When you drop the baggage of control, anger and of always wanting to be right- you’ve got it made because you’re a dynamic person who needs true love to help you learn what life is all about.

Money and Power you can’t take with you but relationships you can!  Your driven, competitive behavior needs to temper anger and watches substance abuse.  Learn to act freely from your soul!  Don’t be into things, be into discovering more fun, laughter, and love to really fulfill your life with true happiness!

The power of winning is yours today if you:

Remind yourself

  1. I don’t always have to be right and in control! 
  2. I choose to love, appreciate and recognize others more!
  3. Leave the baggage behind before your new relationship!


Intimate moments are a top priority with you. You have the goal and drive to accomplish the technique for being the best passionate lover. Your intense desire to be a master in lovemaking, backrubs, and foreplay gives you the joy and satisfaction you seek. When you decide to be honest with your heart and emotions and not just accomplish a task, true love will seek you out. Put your heart into it and remember accomplishing the task isn’t as comforting as true love. 



The accomplishment profile is totally dedicated to assisting their children at reaching their full potential. You want to develop a talented, competent, and goal-oriented child.  Your talents as a parent come through your many accomplishments in life. Your dedication, perseverance, and hard work serve as an excellent example for your children.  You take being a parent very seriously and you would sacrifice almost anything for your children. However, the one sacrifice you find most difficult in raising your children is finding enough time in life to make your children a top priority.   Your projects in life with your business, church, civic, talents, sports, etc, sometimes take priority over your children’s time.  You are a very loving parent, but at times you need to learn the joy that comes in accepting your children more for who they really are.  They may not accomplish what you do in life, but in their own unique way, have their own life’s mission to fulfill.  Lack of patience and anger are quick to remind you to not sweat the small stuff because “it’s only small stuff.”  Accomplishments are perfectionists, and tolerance for your children’s mistakes is a great challenge for you in life.

    Discover the fun in life with family vacations, laughter, and spontaneity.  Flexibility and less rigidness will be helpful in relating to your children on a daily basis.

    Be less serious and more fun!  Develop your sense of humor, smile more, complement more and take the time to recognize their strengths instead of their weaknesses!

    No one is perfect.  This is an imperfect world and you are part of it.  You make mistakes, you grow, you learn, this is the very reason we are in this life.  You are here to learn such things, such as patience, charity, love, kindness, understanding, and tolerance.

    Your children will be your best teachers in life.  Take advantage of the time you have with your children now.  Cherish every moment, their experiences, challenges, and accomplishments.  Today will never be here again!

Don’t find yourself saying- “ I wish had instead…..

Be proud in saying- “I’m glad I did…..


Your children are gifts from God to you.  

What you develop in your children is your gift to God!

  1.   25 December 2021
  2.   MBTI



Persons having a competitive image base (CIB) thrive on a challenge. Always searching for competition, they prefer to test the limits of their abilities and often perform best when confronted with very difficult tasks. Eager to accept responsibility, they focus on getting the job done, usually with high-quality...



Persons having a competitive image base (CIB) thrive on a challenge. Always searching for competition, they prefer to test the limits of their abilities and often perform best when confronted with very difficult tasks. Eager to accept responsibility, they focus on getting the job done, usually with high-quality results. Decision-making is never a problem, and they are not easily distracted from their objectives. They can be counted on to accept authoritative roles and to attain their high goals.


Despite their high achievements, however, CIBs often cause resentment in others, especially those who prefer the ordinary to the superlative. In their pursuit of quick and efficient results, their high-spirited drive often leads them unintentionally into the territory of others, thereby causing problems with peers. They can become overly critical of those whose goals are not as high as their own, but they are also quick to forgive and forget CIBs welcome new ideas, new approaches to old ideas, and a widening pattern of interests. The novel, the unusual, the curious, all stimulate CIBs and ensure for them the changing worlds they seek to discover and examine. 


They prefer that their work habits and accomplishments be based on their own efficient skills and timetable, thereby assuring them that they will be judged solely on their own individual merits. The search for new worlds can, however, cause some problems for CIBs in a number of ways. First, they may take on more tasks than they can successfully complete. Second, reluctance to refuse new challenges, together with a restless nature can result in frustration, since too many goals at one time are impossible to attain. When that situation occurs, CIBS

often looks for new jobs. To prevent frequent job changes by CIBs, therefore, it is important that they believe in the worth of their own objectiveness, and that they know that others are aware of their abilities.


Potential Strengths



Unafraid of decision making


Open to challenge



Can withstand pressure

Can assume authority

Can manage a large workload

Likes variety

Seeks results

Likes to be busy

Defends own point of view

Has boundless energy

Forceful and frank with others



Potential Weaknesses


Decision Making

Perhaps too quickly

May not consider others' feelings

May act without consulting others


Could fail to listen to others

Could be too authoritative

Could be too curt

Control of People

Could drive too hard, thereby losing people

Could do too much, instead of delegating

Could fail to let others develop

Could expect too much of others, too soon

Could be too brusque, too busy to help others

Control of Time

May focus on short-range, rather than

the long-range

May rely on a crisis, rather than planned,


  1.   25 December 2021
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